Monday, June 29, 2015



Thinking humans seem to need explanations and stories with some rationality that suits them in order to believe in something. The choice is made by upbringing and background  – most people are born and brought up in a religion. At adulthood, the choices are just choices that are comfortable for the thinker (or non-thinker). Most kids who are brought up in a particular religion grow up and tend to dismiss that religion and cultivate a religion of their own which is very common. 

One would ask, "What is belief"?  Individuals need to believe in something to make their life whole. it has been proven that anyone who lives his/her life without believing in anything is going to have an unfufilling life before he/she meets her demise. A lot of people believe in God who is the pioneer of the Christian religion and has been accepted by most of the people in the world. the percentage of Christians in the world is larger than any other religion that is existence in the world. It is the belief of Christians that God is the one and through God, the creator of mankind, the Almighty to whom humans own our life to the one who loves mankind soo much that he sent his only begotten to die for us on the cross to wash away our sins.
The Christian religion has a lot of norms that guides mankind on how to live a good life so as to secure a place in heaven when the judgement day comes. Christianity has helped in a lot of ways. It has decreased crime and instilled love, honesty, faithfulness, honesty in mankind and these are what humans need to survive. 

Aside from Christianity there are other religions that are battling with Christianity and I must say most people who once held on to Christianity have moved on to other religions especially in the foreign countries.  in this 21st century, there is the need for one to ask what people believe in. the default religion in the world which is Christian is now under various attacks with the main complaints being that there is no God and Christianity is a false religion that only restricts people from living the life they want and hate people who do not follow in the foot steps of Christianity. 

The recent legalization of gay marriages in the United State of America testifies to how the world is now and how the Christian religion is being set aside. Aside from Christianity there are other religions which are Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism & Agnosticism and a lot more. Every religion has it doctrine and its norms. 

Belief is highly entangled with language. If there is a word for something then we believe it exists, as in the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. We thus 'language reality into existence'. This is one reason why people from different countries have difficulty understanding one another, as the beliefs they hold are built into the language and the culture. A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that aim to explain the meaning of life, the origin of life, or the Universe.

One important ingredient needed is belief is faith. believing in something without having faith is useless and vice versa. One can't have faith in just anything. You would have to believe before you build up your faith. Another ingredient is prayer. There is prayer embedded in almost every religion and believers beseech to their "god" by praying in other to help with their problems and that is because they believe. One factor though that has made a lot of people swing from Christianity to other religions is because of how various ministers of Christianity have interpreted Christianity in their own way. Various ministers of Christianity have come out with different versions of how Christianity is, what is right and wrong which has made it confusing.and has caused people to discredit Christianity and sought for other religions. It can be said that though science has tried to explain how the world and human beings came to being, it has not really given any logical explanation that disputes that of the Christian religion thus no one really knows how human beings came to being aside from the explanation in the first verse of the bible which seems tangible.

It is not possible for humans to live without any set of rules restricting them of doing whatever they want to do. if that were the case there would be immense caous and vile things that humans would engage it. A humans life cannot be lived without principles, rules, boundaries etc. There is the need for humans to belief in something so as to have a course.

 It is essential for humans to believe in something and in doing so you might as well believe in something that is authentic. Not just having faith in something which will lead you nowhere but destruction and ruin but take you to a higher level. 

So then the question is; What is your belief?



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