Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The musicians union of Ghana organized a press conference yesterday Tuesday 13 May 2014 at the International Press Center on state of royalties collection and sharing of royalties in Ghana, GHAMRO election and the way forward.

The highly successful press conference was attended by high profile musicians, music producers, artistes managers, distributors including the maestro Kojo Antwi, DL (Daddy Lumda), Amakyi Dede, Pat Thomas, Charles Amoah, Rex Omar, Noble Nketia, VVIP, Bessa Simon, Obour, Okyeame Kwame, Edem, Mark Okraku Mantey who was representing GHAMRO, Appietus, among others.

An unfortunate incident happen as tempers flared up when Mark Okraku Mantey was giving his speech. He ended his speech abruptly and angrily walked out of the press conference.

According to Mark the press conference was orchestrated by Kojo Antwi because he wants to contest for the position of GHAMRO chairman so he (Kojo Antwi) is using MUSIGA to propagate that agenda.

MUSIGA President Obour denied Mark’s allegations stating that GHAMRO has been in operation for three years without rendering any accounts to its members and the board has refused to organize general meetings even though they are supposed to do all that annually.

“So if for three years none of these have happened and stakeholders are peeved, they are aggrieved and they want this to happen so that they can air their views and then people will say because somebody wants to contest an election that is why. So if someone wants to stand for elections and so what, If Kojo Antwi wants to contest for election and so what?” Obour asked? Mark Okraku is known as someone who always has conflicting views and causes "caous" so it is of no surprise that he brought this issue up yesterday and caused a rampage. watch the video and witness the real action of what went down

1 comment:

  1. hmm eeii Ghana and what is it turning into. kudos for the video.
