Friday, May 16, 2014

The Mystery Surrounding Women With TPossession Of Evil Spirits

It is a known stereotype in the world today and I think this has been an issue since the begining of the world that women are often the one that are possessed by evil spirits and released from their hindrances from churches by their pastors. If one should roam from church to church, it would be noticed that women are always the one's who are been delivered from evil spirits possessing them and causing them hitches in their lives. this demon possession and deliverance is often seen widely in Africa. the Western world really doesn't believe in the possession of evil spirits or let me say Christianity. Christianity is basically the religion of a lot of Africans but when you travel across the shores of Africa, you would realize that the Western world doesn't really pay much attention to Christianity and have other alternative figures of worship. It would come as a shocking and frightening experience to any individual who  has not witnessed the deliverance of an evil spirit from a person. Victims of Evil Spirit Possession scream out loud and become unusually strong and defensive. It appears as though the evil spirit is summoned by the deliver who communicates with the "spirit" and this spirit confesses to whatever it has done to it's victim before the victim is released of it's problem. In some cases obstinate "Evil Spirits" that refuse to leave are whipped. Whipped as in the victim is whipped till the deliverer declares that the spirit has left.

It should be noted that I am not writing this article because I want to write about evil spirits and how they are delivered from victims but why  women are always the one's suffering from "Evil Spirits
" possession. It is rarely seen in churches that a man is being delivered from "Evil Spirits". It is always women are at the mercy of this possession and are always being delivered from their delicacies. I have carried out a thorough research on how "Evil Spirits" possess a body and reasons given for possession are not immune to men so why is that men don't get possessed as much as women do. I found out a lot about these "Evil Spirits" and how they possess a body and I will share this information with you;
Manifestation of the possession of evil spirit

A woman being delivered from evil spirits
Another woman being delivered from evil spirts

Woman being delivered from evil spirits

Nature Of Demonic Spirits
  1. Demonic spirits are merciless beings that will not hesitate to try and take advantage of the lives of humans with every opportunity they get. Whether it is through a willful act that creates an open door in the life of an individual, or through a traumatic experience... a Demonic spirit will seek to take full advantage of those moments and will try to gain access in the life of a person.

    2. Voluntary entry point of demons
    Dabbling in the occult is by far the quickest way for demons to gain entrance in the lives of humans. This is because most occult activities involve having direct contact with demonic spirits. Whether it's dabbling with Tarot cards, Ouija board, Necromancy, Witchcraft, or any other means of consulting evil spirits, will certainly open up the door way to demonic bondage.
    Using drugs also increases susceptibility to demonic invasion in a person's life. Because drugs disrupt the coherent state of the mind and will open up an individual to be controlled by Demonic spirits.

      3. Involuntary entry point of demons
    In instances where demons enter the life of an individual through involuntary means, are usually during those times when a person goes through a traumatic experience, which causes intense negative emotional reactions that are above normal. This can be an overwhelming response to an experience which causes one to be completely overcome by fear, deep depression, deep sorrow, very deep emotional pains and different negative emotions which are above normal.

    4. Anger
    Anger is also another emotion which demons tend to feed off, especially when a person decides to dwell on being angry by choosing to hold on to whatever is making them angry. This will open the door for demonic spirits to come in and influence them to do different deeds by further fueling their anger into rage.

  2. 5. General Curse
     Generational curse is also another involuntary way in which demons enter into the life of an individual. As mentioned in the bible that God will visit the iniquity of the parents on to the children and their children's, children. This is often evident when a child grows up and seems to inherit bad habits, addictions or conditions from their parents or past relatives they may even have never met.
    This could be drug addiction, addiction to alcohol, many different addictions and different sicknesses and diseases. It could be something that is passed on to only one individual in the family, or something that every member of the family seems to have inherited.

    Demonic spirits have been around for many years and are still constantly going around looking for their next target. As the Bible says, the Devil goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. To guard ourselves from demonic oppression and possession, we have to stay clear away from the occult and drugs. Also don't dwell too much on negative emotions. For instances where we feel overwhelmed, it's important to seek counseling and if necessary, seek also Godly spiritual help.
    Woman possessed by an evil spirit

    This woman is in intense pain suffering from possession

    Though these findings will help in making you informed about these "Evil Spirits" and how they possess a body and it still doesn't talk about why women are always the victims of these possessions. I think it is something that should be paid attention to. One would ask whether these spirits are only interested in the possession of women? That is something that I can't answer. When you read above about how they possess a body, the reasons given affect both men and women. Both genders commit these crimes that can lead to body possession by why then would women take the highest percentage when it comes to possession. This is a question I've been asking myself and led me to write this article. I guess I will have to do further research and visit religious leaders personally and ask them why this is happening. It is my believe that these possessions are real and we human beings have to pay attention to it in order to leave a bondage free life especially the women since they are the one's that are largely affected by it. these demons cause great harm and mar the lives of human beings and extra care needs to be taken to curb this situation. I will end here with my discussion but I promise to bring you another edition of this issue and research further more on the issue at hand and educate you all on how to eradicate this problem.  

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